QPICC games are always an exciting contest played at a high intensity. However, QPICC wants to ensure that all participating Pacific nations experience and enjoy a safe tournament, played in the spirit of the game for the celebration of culture and identity.
The rules and policies for QPICC are outlined below.
Please Note: In the event of a conflict in rules between the full QPICC Rules Document available above, and the published rules below, the Rules Document will prevail.
- Submit a Letter of Endorsement from a Nation’s Rugby League governing body. This governing body must be a member of the Asia Pacific Rugby League or International Rugby League Federation.
- A QLD Pacific Nation submits a letter of endorsement to the QPICC management committee.
- If a QLD Pacific Nation does not have a governing body to endorse their application, they should submit an application to the QPICC management committee with as much relevant supporting evidence as possible. Ideally, this would include an endorsement letter from a national governing sports body from their Nation and acknowledgment from the Asia Pacific Rugby League or International Rugby League Federation. The QPICC management committee will then undertake a discretionary review of the application for interim participation until the QLD Pacific Nation establishes a governing body.
- Complete and Submit a Signed QPICC Participation Application.
- A QLD Pacific Nation must also complete and submit the QRL Senior and Junior Local Club Affiliation Agreement to the QPICC management committee.
- Forms will be made available after the Letter of Endorsement is received.
- Submission of these forms will initiate the insurance process for the QLD Pacific Nation. Guidance on completing this will be provided.
- A QLD Pacific Nation can enter one male and/or a female junior team in the following grades: under 13F, under 14M, under 15F, under 16M, under 17F and under 18M.
- A QLD Pacific Nation can enter a Male senior team provided that male junior teams from two of the three following grades are also entered: under 14, under 16, and under 18.
- A QLD Pacific Nation can only enter a Female senior team provided that female junior teams from two of the three following grades are entered: under 13, under 15, and under 17.
- A QLD Pacific Nation solely entering either a male or female team or both must submit a letter to the QPICC management committee requesting a hearing no later than Sept 1st, 2024.
- All QLD Pacific Nations pay a $200 registration fee per team.
- Online payment – BSB 084-435 Acc: 40-023-2994
- Cash or cheque payments will not be accepted.
- The payment deadline is Friday 25th October 2024, at midnight.
- All coaches, managers, volunteer support staff and players are to be registered into MySideline – Enquire with the QPICC management Committee for courses and tutorials.
- Maximum of 25 registered players. Absolutely no changes permitted during QPICC
- Maximum 5 registered coaching staff.
- Maximum 5 registered volunteer staff.
- Grades from U13s through to Opens (Male and Female) – minimum Club Coach accreditation validated with NRL ID NUMBER
- Level 2 sports trainer (Orange shirt) – Validated with NRL ID NUMBER
- Level 1 sports trainer (Blue shirt) Validated with NRL ID NUMBER
- League safe accreditation – (Yellow shirt) NRL ID NUMBER
- Any coaching staff or volunteer serving a suspension or ban received by QRL, NSWRL, VRL, NT and WA rugby league governing bodies are ineligible.
- Current blue card – ID number
- Blue cards that are pending, volunteers must submit the following certificates:
- Play by the rules: harrassment and discrimination certificate id number
- Play by the rules: child protection certificate id number.
- Any volunteer staff serving a suspension or ban received by qrl, nswrl, vrl, nt and wa rugby league governing bodies are ineligible.
All players who do not meet these specific conditions will not be permitted to participate.
- All Pasifika players legitimised by grandparents are eligible for selection and represent their QLD Pacific Nation.
- QPICC management committee will disqualify nation teams from registering and fielding players not legitimised by grandparents.
- Any player serving a suspension or ban received by QRL, NSWRL, VRL, NT and WA rugby league governing bodies is ineligible.
- Players over the age of 40 require a Medical certificate stating that they are fit to play full contact Rugby League.
- QPICC carnival fully aligns with the QRL and NRL code of conduct and therefore applies to any person participating at QPICC 2024.
- This means there is a Zero tolerance to all forms of abuse on or off the field.
- QPICC is an alcohol and drug-free event!
- Any person in breach of these codes may be requested by a QRL or QPICC officials to be removed from a match, or spectating and if necessary removed from the carnival by security or police.
NRL code of conduct: https://www.playrugbyleague.com/laws-of-the-game-community/code-of-conduct/
Smoking areas are designated and sign-posted throughout the grounds. Smoking is not permitted on the sidelines or in public areas.
The team winning the toss will be the first to perform the pre-game challenge and decide which team shall kick-off.
Teams must be on the field before the official start time and waiting behind the 40-meter line.
Pre-game challenge PROCESS:
- Teams must remain behind the 40-meter line.
- A breach of the 40-meter line (This includes touching the 40m line) during their pre-game challenge, will result in the team’s captain sin-binned.
If both teams breach the 40-meter line, both captains will be sin-binned.
- Should a breach occur both team managers are to be advised prior to the game commencing.
- The name of the duty official reporting the breach will be on record at the central tent HQ.
- Managers report to the registration desk to confirm teams 15 minutes before the game starts.
- The player’s name is to remain with the same jersey number throughout the carnival
- Twenty-five (25) registered players per game.
- Thirteen (13) on-field players; six (6) reserves.
- Unlimited interchange.
The following exceptions apply:
- Game Times may differ depending on the number of teams entering and the outcome of the draw.
- There will be no time stoppages for injuries. (Refer to the Ambulance section below).
- Win: 5 points
- Draw: 3 points
- Loss: 1 point
- Forfeit: 0 points – 20 points will be awarded to the non-forfeiting team.
- If a draw results at the end of a pool game, the team that scores the first try will be the winner.
- If no tries are scored at the end of a pool game, the team that scores the first points will then be named the winner.
- If at the end of a pool game, both teams do not score points, the game will result in a draw (No ‘extra time’ period will be added).
- Should a draw occur from a Finals match after full time, 2 x 5 minutes of extra time is added.
- A toss is called and the game restarted.
- If the score is still tied after extra time the match official restarts the match to begin a golden point decider.
- Time is not required during golden point.
The following exceptions apply:
- Sin Bin duration 5 minutes.
- The referee will signal a player has been sent to the Sin Bin.
- The game will not resume until the player exits the field.
- The player must immediately report to an official centre tent HQ.
- The game time will not stop for a Sin Bin.
- The referee will resume play.
- The Sin Bin time will start when the player has reported to the sin bin area located Centre field.
- An official will allow a player to return to the field of play after the 5 minutes have been completed.
- Players receiving a second Sin Bin will be immediately replaced during the game and will be put on suspension until an elected QPICC judiciary reviews the player’s records of incidences.
The following additions apply:
- The player is automatically suspended and will no longer take part in the game.
- The player is to be escorted to base camp immediately.
- Players will not take any further part in the tournament until the incident report has been reviewed.
- The referee incident report will be reviewed by an elected QPICC judiciary.
Match Review/Judiciary Committee.
- Review referee incident report.
- Review protests submitted within 10 minutes after the end of the concerned match.
- All protests must be submitted in writing by a team manager to an official at the centre HQ.
The following exceptions apply:
- Interchange players must only enter and exit from the interchange box (marked with cones).
- A player can be interchanged outside of the interchange box under injury situations.
In summary:
- A coach or manager cannot act as a Trainer in any match or vice versa.
- Trainers must leave the field immediately, after attending to injury or hydrating.
- Trainers must remain within the bench area.
- There are no other circumstances or reasons under which it is permissible for trainers to move away from the bench area.
- Trainers are not permitted on the field during scrums except in the case of a serious injury in which case the Green, Blue or Orange Trainer may attend. The specific roles and responsibilities of each trainer are as follows:
- Orange Shirt Trainer – (Medical)
- Is allowed unlimited access to the playing field to attend to injured Players.
- May provide fluids to Players when their team has the ball.
- Must not carry messages.
- Can be involved in the on-field interchange process whilst their team has the ball.
- Blue Trainer duties are limited to:
- Interchange of Players.
- Provision of water.
- Carrying messages to individual Team members.
- Is allowed access to the playing field:
- When their team is in possession, subject to viii below.
- When a try has been scored
- During a timeout called by the referee for an injury.
- During a goal-line drop-out.
- Must enter and leave the playing field without interfering with play.
- Must not give general messages to the Team or otherwise assist in the task of coaching (save for the carrying of messages to individual Team members) while play is progressing.
- When entering the field whilst their team is in possession, Blue Trainers must only enter the field of play after their team gains possession of the football and leave the field at the completion of the 4th tackle, immediately returning to the team bench area (i.e. running) without interfering with play or running behind the opposition team’s defensive line.
- Yellow Shirt Trainer- (Leaguesafe)
- May sit with the Head Trainer but can only enter the field of play as provided in emergencies at the direction of the head trainer.
- To help the Orange/Blue Shirt Trainer assist an injured Player from the field.
- Provide aid for an injured Player but does not assess or treat injuries.
- Is not to carry water unless a try has been scored or match official signals a stoppage in play.
- Orange Shirt Trainer – (Medical)
In summary: the coaches and managers from participating Pacific Nations agree that the extreme weather conditions require each Team to have an additional water carrier.
- If competing Pacific Nations cannot agree, the Ground Manager will make the final decision on whether additional water carriers are permitted.
- If agreed, the Yellow shirt trainer’s duties are limited to carrying water when his/her team is in possession. He/she cannot carry messages under any circumstances.
- May refill drink containers and offer other assistance off the field of play.
- Can be involved in the off-field interchange process (i.e. assist the Interchange official).
- Match officials have the authority to determine QPICCs on-field heat strategy to be activated. Refer to the temperature table for an accurate process.
- The following procedure will apply in all cases where a player is bleeding or her person, clothing or equipment has been contaminated by blood.
- If the referee notices a bleeding or blood-contaminated player he/she will immediately stop play and signal to the team trainer to attend to the player.
- The team trainer will immediately enter the field of play to assess whether the player can be quickly treated on the field or whether she will require treatment off the field.
- If the trainer advises that the player can be treated on the field, the referee will instruct the player to drop out behind play for that purpose and the match will immediately recommence.
- If the trainer advises the referee that he/she will have to treat the player off the field, the match will not restart until the player has left the field – no time off. The player will be interchanged.
- If the referee stops play twice for the same player and the same wound, the player must be taken from the field for treatment and interchanged.
- The referee will hold the game up to replace a bleeding player, but a trainer must first advise the referee that an interchange is going to take place. No time off.
- If the bleeding player has been interchanged, he/she may only return to the field as a normal interchange player.
- In any case where a player’s person, clothing or equipment has been contaminated by blood, whether through a wound or through contact with a wounded player, the referee shall direct the team trainer to enter the field of play to attend to that player by taking immediate steps to ensure that the player is free of any blood contamination before that player shall be permitted by the referee to re-join play.
- Until those steps have been taken, the player shall, at the minimum, drop out behind play. Contaminated clothing and/or equipment should be treated with a solution of detergent and bleach.
- If a player sustains a head injury, the trainer and the medical staff immediately bring the player from the field. Upon leaving the field, the player must report immediately to the medical area located in the middle of the four fields. The Sports Medic assessment and decision for the player not to return to play is final.
- All head injury incidences, including injuries preventing a player from returning to the field of play, must be reported to the Ground manager and a copy of the sports medics assessment report is submitted to QPICC officials.
- A sports doctor has not been used in past QPICC events. However, the QRL have ensured that 2, level 2 sports trainers are present to assist Pasifika nation sports trainers learn to manage players who have received injuries such as head-type injuries and concussions. Our current rules highlight the incidence of an HIA, however, a mandatory process follows.
- In the first instance, our decision to elevate incidences of HIA to a priority is understood by all. Meaning:
- Duty of care – nations ensure that any player that has suffered a recent concussion must present a medical clearance before participating in QPICC.
- Any sports trainer, or anyone else without the correct medical accreditation, cannot decide if a player can return to the field of play after receiving a head injury and showing any symptoms that suggest a concussion.
- In the first instance, our decision to elevate incidences of HIA to a priority is understood by all. Meaning:
- NRL guidelines for reference: Community Rugby League Policy and Guidelines for the management of concussions
- The recommendation by the qualified sports medic for any player to seek medical clearance after receiving a head injury is final.
- and that all players suspected of a concussion must understand and accept the decision to seek professional medical advice and present a medical clearance before returning to play.
- All players must present a medical clearance to the QPICC leadership group before the decision is made permitting return to play.
- QPICC will provide a Medical Tent and Medical area.
- There will be two trained sports medics in this area. The medical tent will be in the middle of the four fields.
- Should a player be unable to be moved from the field due to an injury and require the attention of an ambulance the match will be called off.
- Ambulances will enter the field area via the ambulance entry points, located at the front and rear of the Bill Norris club rooms.
- A review will be conducted between QPICC committee members, nation officials and SEQRL officials to assess appropriate points allocation for both teams.
- Matches may only be cancelled, delayed, postponed or abandoned by the QPICC Tournament Committee.
- After the commencement of a match, a referee may suspend play if, in his/her view, continuation of play would place the safety of Players and/or the Match Officials at risk.
- The QPICC Committee may make any rulings or take any further action that it, at its sole discretion, deems appropriate, whether such action includes directing the resumption of the match or the replaying of the match or otherwise.
- The following represent special provisions for extraordinary weather conditions:
- QPICC Tournament Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the Bill Norris Oval has adequate equipment on hand to handle wet, icy or very hot/humid conditions.
- QPICC Tournament Committee will be responsible for having enough paint or dye available for line markings in a colour to contrast as sharply as possible with the field.
- The Match Referee, QRL officials, and QPICC Tournament committee will jointly be responsible for all corrective procedures used in abnormal conditions.
- Note: No team has the right to postpone, cancel or transfer a Match. The QPICC Tournament Committee itself is the only body that can make the decision and subsequent announcement.
- If any team or venue operator has reservations about the conduct of a Match, the QPICC Tournament committee will inspect the facility.
All match-day footballs will be provided by the Tournament Officials.
- A Player must not wear any item that might prove dangerous to other players.
- If in doubt a player is required to have any such item approved by the referee before the commencement of the match. This includes all forms of jewellery.
- A Player’s normal gear shall consist of a jersey of distinctive colour and/or pattern (numbered), a pair of shorts, socks of distinctive colour and/or pattern and studded footwear.
- Protective equipment may be worn provided it contains nothing of a rigid nature. Notes: Protective clothing above refers to shoulder pads, arm bands, rib covering, headgear, hip pads etc., and the key phrase is “of a rigid nature”.
- The referee will make a final decision in areas of doubt relating to what is “rigid”.
- The referee may order a player to remove any item or any part of her equipment that might be considered dangerous and shall not allow the player to take any further part in the match until the item or equipment is removed. Such a player must retire from the playing field to remove the offending item if the start or re-start of the match would otherwise be delayed.
- The referee or touch judge checks all equipment before the commencement of each QPICC match.